Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Direction?

Don has pretty much ruled out foster-to-adopt, which was where I was leaning.

And every time I go to an adoption site dedicated to adopting newborns, I feel guilty. I have had the priveledge of having four newborns of my own, and there are so many out there who cannot have even one. In my heart, I feel like I would be taking a baby away from someone.

That leaves adopting an older child domestically or international adoption.

Tonight we went to dinner at The Taste of Texas with Don's business group. It is one our favorite restaurants and happens to be the place where we had dinner the night before I started treatment for my cancer.

It seemed a fitting bookend to "the other side" of cancer.

While we were there, I met one of Don's colleagues, J.P., who happened to be from Guatemala. We talked about many things with several other colleagues. And as it turned out, he ended up sitting at our end of the table of over 20 people.

As I was sitting there, conversing with all the people around me the thought occured to me: "What if J.P. was put here to direct me to the idea of adopting specifically from Guatemala?"

A short time later, the restaurant was clearing out, and it was getting quiet. I could hear music playing over the intercom system. The song playing was "Our Hope Endures" by Natalie Grant. It is a song that God had given me (through a friend) last month and I had been listening to it daily.

I felt like that was a sign that yes, I was going in the right direction.

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