Monday, August 25, 2008


My friend, L, took me to have my CT scan. She insisted that someone come with me, and I was glad she did.

After filling out paperwork and waiting a short time, I was taken back for my scan.

It went quickly and the techs allowed me to get a look at the images, so I would have an idea what to tell Don when I picked him up from the airport.

Yes, indeed, I had a mass. Even the techs seemed surprised at its size.

Here is another excerpt from The Dust Bunny Chronicles:

It is hard to describe my emotion exactly, afterward. But I was not scared. Somehow, I was totally at peace with the whole thing. A peace that passes understanding.

I attribute some (if not all) of that peace to what I believed to be a promise from God. He had given me a desire for another child. He was guiding me toward adoption. There was meant to be a another child in our future.

And I would have to live to see that promise fulfulled.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

You have a mass

(from my original blog -

My doctor called first thing this morning. "You have a mass in your lung," she told me. "I am so sorry." She didn't even want to call me. She wanted to call my husband. But she knew he was out of town and she had no choice.

They have scheduled me for a CT scan on Monday.

Should I be worried about this?

I can't tell my husband. He's not due back until Monday, and by then, everything might be O.K. Plus, I hate to ruin the last days of his vacation by causing worry.

(This blog didn't exist yet, so he couldn't have found out here.)

I worry a little on my own, with a few friends and my parents. But worrying is not in my nature. I am the eternal optimist. Surely, everything will be alright. (I did start taking the antibiotics, just to be on the safe side . . .)

Friday, August 8, 2008


We went to Colorado, to the YMCA of the Rockies, and I was not pregnant. Not only that, but I was sick. Little did I know just how sick I was.

I started considering that possibly there was a child out there God had just for us. He or She existed. He or She may have already been conceived or born. Maybe He spoke to me about adoption on my birthday for a reason.